Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Business and Information Technology and Family and Consumer Sciences

By enrolling in a CTE course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core, or standard, program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school. Based on the needs of the populations served, each school determines optional courses to be offered.

Courses available at Bryant include Business and Information Systems,  Family and Consumer Sciences, Cosmetology, Business Cooperative Internship (BCI) and Economics & Personal Finance.  Bryant also offers Early Childhood and Careers as a NOVA Dual Enrollment option.


Industry Certification

Many CTE courses prepare students for industry certification opportunities. Students who desire this professional credential must pass an industry-developed, industry evaluated exam at the end of the CTE course. Earning an industry credential demonstrates the professional skill level the student has achieved and provides industry-recognized proof that the student is prepared for career-related responsibilities or post-secondary education or training. 

CTE Certification Test Prep Support

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