2022-2023 SIIP/ESSER At-a-Glance

Outcome goals for this academic year.

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans

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Background: The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) is a federal grant which requires that spending be used in specific areas.  Part of the Fairfax County Public Schools spending plan identifies funding to be used for Unfinished Learning and Student Academic and Social, Emotional, Mental Health (Wellness) Needs.  Schools have been given funding allocations to support the academic and wellness needs of students.  Schools are required to create plans in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Wellness highlighting the strategies they will use to support these areas using their ESSER III funding.  These strategies are shown below.

English Language Arts 

Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.

Goal: Effectively engage students in disciplinary reading practices increasing WorkKeys and SOL Reading pass rates by 15%.

Strategy 1: ESOL teachers will plan activities to assist students in speaking and writing in response to text.

Strategy 2: English teachers will provide a variety of reading strategies to support disciplinary reading.

Strategy 3: Science teachers will model how to read, interpret, and analyze graphs and charts.

Strategy 4: Social studies teachers will focus on developing students’ ability to read and interpret documents and data to support opinions for inquiry-based learning.

Strategy 5:  SPED teachers will focus on strengthening reading acquisition and comprehension skills.

Strategy 6: Business teachers will utilize academic conversations with focused vocabulary instruction.

Strategy 7: Library staff will continue to build media center and classroom libraries to support disciplinary reading.


Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.

Goal: To raise Algebra 1 SOL “advanced” pass rates to 65% for identified cohorts and decrease Geometry SOL failure rates by 20%.

Strategy 1: Master schedule will build in common planning time for department and collaborative team meetings.

Strategy 2:  Math department and individual CTs will utilize data dialogues to inform instruction.

Strategy 3: Math teachers will work collaboratively to build the collective efficacy of the department and teams.


Outcome: Ensure students feel safe, included, and supported in the school environment.

Goal: To deliver weekly Responsive Advisory Meeting lessons and activities during Learning Seminar to reduce the chronic absenteeism rate by 10%.

Strategy 1:  Deliver RAM lessons 2 - 3 times per week during Learning Seminar.

Strategy 2:  Provide free-choice reading during DEAR (Drop Everything And Read Program) 1-2 times per week during Learning Seminar

Strategy 3:  Match up all students with co-mentors through Learning Seminar/Advisory.

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)

Outcome:  All students will complete a POG Presentation of Learning (POL) by 2025-26.

Goal: Students will demonstrate one category of growth on the Portrait of a Graduate Self-Reflection Tool.

Strategy 1: Administer a pre/post POG Self-Reflection Tool to students through Learning Seminar.

Strategy 2: Utilize Learning Seminar to deliver monthly POG lessons.

Strategy 3: Provide all staff with POG resources to embed in their daily work with students, departments, and designated teams.

For additional information regarding this School Plan, please contact the school principal.