James Cruz
B.A. in Political Science
US/VA History - This year we are learning about the history of the United States and Virginia from the Founding of Jamestown in 1607 to the aftermath of 9/11 attacks in 2001.
Particular emphasis will be given to the development of an independent United States democracy, territorial expansion, the causes and impact of the Civil War, industrialization, immigration, the role of the US in two World Wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Movement.
We will mostly rely on lectures, guided readings, and videos.
Work outside of class time will be essential!
EL Government - This class is designed for English Language Learners. We will learn about different types of Governments, the US Constitution, The Branches of the US Government, Elections, and Economics.
Particular emphasis will be given to the importance of Democracy, Citizenship, State and Local Government roles, and the importance Individuals play in our Democracy.
We will mostly rely on lectures, video, readings, and projects. Additional time will be spent on the acquisition of academic vocabulary necessary to access the curriculum.
This class is co-taught with the class Strategies for Success with Ms. Rudder
US Government - This year in we will be learning about the philosophical foundations of government, the American Constitutional system, the electoral process and the natural and civil rights that underlie our political institutions. Students will learn how government works, learn how to play a role in the system, and also develop social science skills that students can apply to their lives. The course will be delivered electronically using interactive tools to engage students in real time learning.
- Office hours are after school from 3:00 PM -4:00 PM or during first period (8:00 AM - 9:20 AM) by appointment.
- There is no penalty for late work, but students are encouraged to complete assignments before each Unit exam.
- All student work is completed and submitted using Schoology. Home | Schoology
- I can be reached by using the form below.
Thank You,
James Cruz