Ms Bowser

Amanda Bowser

ESOL Teacher, HS

Department Chair

My name is Ms. Bowser and I am so excited to be your English teacher this year! This is my 4th year at Bryant High School. I teach English 9, Academic Literature, and English Language Development.  

In our English classes we will practice the four English language skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking

  • Reading: We will read and analyze fiction & nonfiction texts through programs like Raz-Kids and Imagine Learning
  • Writing: We will learn & practice our writing skills (grammar, organization, research, spelling, & vocabulary) through programs like Google Docs and Google Slides
  • Listening: We will practice our listening skills in class as we listen to presentations and lessons from the teacher, other students, and videos from online sources, such as YouTube.
  • Speaking: We will practice speaking in English through a variety of presentations, group projects, and online programs like Imagine Learning, FlipGrid

I look forward to learning with you and helping you succeed in school this year, so please reach out to me on Remind or use the form below to email me if you have any questions or concerns!

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