Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) Test Information

SOL Non-Writing Assessments, End-of-Course
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Your child will be taking one or more Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) assessments between May 1 and May 23, 2023. All SOL assessments are taken in-person at school. School staff will schedule and communicate specific testing dates for your child based on their individual assessment needs. If you become aware of an unavoidable conflict that could result in your child missing a testing day, please notify your child’s school as soon as possible. Some SOL assessments are required under federal law, and some may be needed to verify credit for high school graduation. The table below shows the SOL EOC non-writing tests available to fulfill federal participation and/or verified credit requirements.
- Federal law requires schools to provide students one SOL test in reading, in mathematics, and inscience during grades 9-12. These assessments provide information about student achievementto the parent/guardian, school, division, and state.
- State law requires students to verify credits to fulfill Standard and Advanced Studies diplomagraduation requirements, as outlined on the Graduation Requirements and Course Planningwebpage ( SOLtests are the most common way students earn the verified credits they need. However,performance assessments (social studies only) or substitute assessments approved by the VirginiaBoard of Education may be another option available for your student to verify certain credits.

A SOL High School Assessment Frequently Asked Questions webpage ( provides more information about SOL EOC tests in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). If you do not want your student to participate in SOL assessments, you have the right to refuse testing. However, any decision to refuse SOL tests should be made in consultation with school staff to allow full consideration of any potential implications for on-time graduation. The Right to Refuse Assessments webpage ( offers important information as you consider this decision.
In most cases, SOL assessment results are available in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE within about three months. If you have questions about SOL testing, please contact your student’s school counselor or the assessment coach/school test coordinator at your child’s school.