Ms. Stubblefield Recognized as FCPS CARES of the Month Recipient!
Summer 2024 Region 3 Recipient
Congratulations to Ms. Iris Stubblefield on her recognition as the Summer2024 FCPS CARES Region 3 Recipient of the Month presented by the FCPS Department of Human Resources.
The FCPS CARES Program allows parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story below so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.

Below is the write-up submitted by Ms. Florence Harrison, a colleague at Bryant High School.
Iris Stubblefield is an incredible educator who joined Bryant this summer to support our 5th quarter credit recovery program. Iris has gone above and beyond to connect with our students, motivate them, and help them achieve their goals. She has been instrumental in helping students complete their courses, improve their English skills, and prepare for necessary SOL testing. Iris works closely with each student, providing personalized support and guidance. Ms. Stubblefield has been an exceptional addition to our team. She has gone out of her way to connect with both students and staff, making their jobs easier by calling, texting, and even waking up students to ensure they attend school. Despite recently having knee surgery, Iris remained dedicated, coming in to tutor students and seeking out additional resources to help them prepare for state tests. She constantly applauded their efforts, becoming their loudest cheerleader and always encouraging them. There is no area where Iris doesn't shine. She is an incredibly hard worker, and with Iris on the team, I am confident the job will get done. I cannot sing her praises loud enough! Thank you, Iris, for your unwavering dedication and for going the extra mile for Bryant students and teachers.